


それに伴い、別名「恐怖指数」とも呼ばれる VIX 指数も、前日比115.6%プラスの37.32へと急騰。

時間外取引でも混乱は続き、VIX を原資産とするETN(日本で言うETF)が前日以上に急騰する一幕もあるなど、ピリピリとしたムードが漂っています。

このような混乱の中、VIX インバースETN「XIV」が一撃で早期償還するという面白い事象が発生したので、少し触れさせていただきます。







このまま何の材料もなく、米国市場のザラ場の時間になれば、まぁ、一撃償還…かと思っていたら、野村証券が NEXT NOTES S&P500 VIX インバースETN(2049.T)の早期償還を決定してましたわ。





Sensitivity of the ETNs to large changes in the market price of the underlying futures contracts

Because the Inverse ETNs and 2x Long ETNs are linked to the daily performance of the applicable underlying Index and include either inverse or leveraged exposure, changes in the market price of the underlying futures will have a greater likelihood of causing such ETNs to be worth zero than if such ETNs were not linked to the inverse or leveraged return of the applicable underlying Index. In particular, any significant increase in the market price of the underlying futures on any Index Business Day will result in a significant decrease in the Closing Indicative Value and Intraday Indicative Value of the Inverse ETNs, and any significant decrease in the market price of the underlying futures on any Index Business Day will result in a significant decrease in the Closing Indicative Value and Intraday Indicative Value of the 2x Long ETNs.

If the price of the underlying futures contracts increases by more than 80% in a day, it is extremely likely that the Inverse ETNs will depreciate to an Intraday Indicative Value or Closing Indicative Value equal to or less than 20% of the prior day’s Closing Indicative Value and will be subject to acceleration if we choose to exercise our right to effect an Event Acceleration of the ETNs. If the price of the underlying futures contracts decreases by more than 40% in a day, it is extremely likely that the 2x Long ETNs will depreciate to an Intraday Indicative Value or Closing Indicative Value equal to or less than 20% of the prior day’s Closing Indicative Value and will be subject to acceleration. If the price of the underlying futures contracts decreases by more than 80% in a day, it is extremely likely that the Long ETNs will depreciate to an Intraday Indicative Value or Closing Indicative Value equal to or less than 20% of the prior day’s Closing Indicative Value and will be subject to acceleration if we choose to exercise our right to effect an Event Acceleration of the ETNs.

Acceleration Event:

As discussed in more detail under “Specific Terms of the ETNs—Acceleration at Our Option or Upon an Acceleration Event” in this pricing supplement, an Acceleration Event includes any event that adversely affects our ability to hedge or our rights in connection with the ETNs, including, but not limited to, if the Intraday Indicative Value is equal to or less than 20% of the prior day’s Closing Indicative Value


また、これだけでなく、XIV には XIV を原資産とするオプションの設定が無いというのもリスクヘッジ的には辛いところでして、そんなこんなで、個人的にはリスクが大きいと判断して、実は、XIVのポジションは持ったことがないのです。




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